Everyone is welcome no matter your previous faith affiliation or lack thereof.

All people have a place at our table.

If you think you would like to join, it is an easy process.

  • Inform the pastor you wish to join.
  • You will be invited to a Session meeting to tell why you want to join.
  • Session decides to approve your membership.
  • Membership happens by transfer of church letter or reaffirmation of faith in front of the congregation.
  • If you have not been baptized, you will be baptized at this time.
  • You will then receive a certificate of membership and a copy of Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers: Exploring Christian Faith. The pastor will provide a time for you to discuss what you read in this book.

We’re so excited to have you! Jump in and be part of our community of faith, growing and serving and being loved and supported in all times in your life.

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